Euroseeds welcomes the European Parliament's confirmation of its positive stance on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) Since the EU Council did not come to a conclusion on the file, yet it is now up to member states to pave the way for Europe embracing agricultural innovation.

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Euroseeds welcomes the European Parliament’s confirmation of its positive stance on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) Since the EU Council did not come to a conclusion on the file, yet it is now up to member states to pave the way for Europe embracing agricultural innovation.

With an upholding majority, the European Parliament confirms its support and with this underlines the potential of NGTs to enhance competitiveness, sustainability and food security. Euroseeds welcomes this confirmation and the European Parliament’s commitment to fostering scientific progress and evidence-based policymaking in this area.

As the attention now turns to the Council of the European Union, Euroseeds urges swift and decisive action towards achieving a consensus for the final adoption of the new NGT legislation. The momentum generated by the European Parliament’s endorsement highlights the urgency of advancing regulatory clarity to harness the full potential of NGTs for farmers, consumers, and the environment.

“We thank the European Parliament for its continued support and recognition of the potential of the New Genomic Techniques,” commented Garlich von Essen, Euroseeds Secretary General. “Now, we call on the Council to build on this momentum and swiftly secure a majority for the final adoption of the new NGT legislation. Europe’s plant breeders and farmers urgently need to be enabled to harness the benefits of NGTs to successfully address the pressing agricultural challenges and deliver sustainable solutions.”

The post European Parliament Confirms Positive Vote on New Genomic Techniques; EU Council Urged to Embrace Plant Breeding Innovation appeared first on Seed World.