When it comes to sales, the difference between mediocrity and greatness isn’t about motivation — it’s about activation.
Here’s the thing: people are either motivated or they’re not. What we can do is inspire them and, more importantly, activate them. And that’s where the real opportunity lies: giving your sales team the tools, clarity, and structure they need to succeed.
Inspiration is about communicating the “why.” Activation, on the other hand, is about delivering the “how.” It’s about ensuring your team has the strategic vision, clear goals, and practical tools to deliver results. And when it comes to activating a sales team, three essential elements rise to the top:
1. Clear Target List
You can’t just tell your team to “talk to all the farmers in County X.” That’s not a target list — that’s wishful thinking. A clear target list identifies exactly who your salespeople should be engaging with. This level of precision removes ambiguity and ensures their efforts are focused and impactful.
2. Clear Process
Telling someone to “just go sell something” doesn’t work. Sales is an art AND it needs to be systemized for success. A defined process gives salespeople a roadmap and It creates consistency which enables them to improve over time. By systemizing the sales process, you can turn good salespeople into great ones. (And a bonus is that you SEE the folks that should not be part of the team)
3. Clear Offer
This is about determining and defining what you have that will solve a problem for your customer. It also identifies the differentiators that make your solution the RIGHT opportunity for your potential customer. When your sales team understands the offer inside and out, they can present it with confidence and satisfy customers more completely – will having a positive impact on revenue generation.
Activation starts by ensuring these three pieces are in place. Once you can confidently check the boxes on targets, process, and offer, you can define a plan to roll them out to your team. And here’s the magic: when you truly activate your sales team, you’ll see a dramatic improvement in morale, which naturally leads to a boost in performance.
I was told early in my career by a seasoned president, “If you’re waiting for a team of superstar salespeople to come along, you’re in trouble.” Superstars are rare. Instead, the focus should be on building systems that enable every member of your team to succeed —whether they’re brand new or seasoned veterans.
Of course, some people are naturals, and the best thing you can do is get out of their way. But for most, activation is key. And when you activate your sales team, you elevate the entire organization.
This systemized approach doesn’t just apply to sales teams — it’s a philosophy that can benefit any area of your business. But sales is where I’ve seen it work time and again, transforming teams and delivering results. So, ask yourself: is your team truly activated? And if not, what’s stopping you from taking that first step?
It’s not just about having a vision. It’s about having the clarity to execute. Activate your team, and the results will speak for themselves. Happy to offer some ideas on how to make that happen!!
The post The Difference Between Motivation and Activation appeared first on Seed World.